At Task Custom Metal Fabricators Ltd., we prioritize sustainability, understanding that our operations, which involve significant energy use, must be managed thoughtfully to safeguard the planet for future generations. In a time of rapid environmental change, we are committed to implementing practices that conserve natural resources, minimize waste, and promote a balanced relationship with the environment. Our mission is to continually seek ways to reduce our carbon footprint and encourage responsible choices that lead to a more sustainable grid.

60 kW solar PV System



In lieu of our aforementioned environmental goals, Task has invested in a 60 kW solar PV system for our building, which was energized in July of 2024. This system will offset 100% of our power requirements and account for over 37,000 kWh of solar generation in 2024, equating to an avoidance of 11.11 TCO2e. In 2025, the Government of Canada released its grid intensity values for the year. Unfortunately, the province of Ontario is seeing a 26.7% increase in its carbon footprint from electricity generation. This means that our solar array will generate an energy reduction of over 75,000 kWh, along with a significant carbon avoidance of 28.72 TCO2e for the entirety of 2025. This initiative not only reduces our reliance on conventional energy sources but also demonstrates our commitment to renewable energy and sustainable practices.


As Task Custom Metal Fabricators Ltd. advances along our sustainability roadmap, we are committed to keeping you informed through regular updates and quarterly Scope 2 emissions reports. These reports will be readily accessible, reflecting our ongoing efforts in sustainability. We welcome any inquiries and encourage you to reach out to discuss the initiatives we have happily taken on.